10 Things Your Teenager Needs to Know About Life

10 Things Your Teenager Needs to Know About Life

Teenagers, take note! If you’re lucky enough to have your own set of wheels, you may be tempted to get behind the wheel and not look back. But, before you slip on those shades and hit the open road, here are 10 things you teenager needs to know about life. The sooner you learn these lessons, the easier your young adult years will be and the safer you’ll be on the road ahead.

1. As parents you are role models

You teach your kids what to expect out of life, and how they should treat others. If you want them to be able to get along with others in a positive way, if you want them to think before they speak or act, then you must lead by example. The things that come out of your mouth and how you carry yourself are what shape their view of how people should treat each other. And it’s not just adults who need role models: teens do too!

They look up to us as much as we look up to our parents growing up. We can guide them and give advice on handling bullies, being confident in themselves, reaching goals, trying new experiences, falling in love and so much more!

If we set good examples for them they will follow suit. What do you say? Are you ready to start being an awesome parent?

2. Relationships matter

Having a good relationship with your parent or parents is an important part of life. Even if you think that you don’t need them anymore, at some point, they will be there for you. Take time every day (or week) to text or talk with them about what’s going on in your life. You might learn something from each other, and in due time, you can develop a great relationship with them even if it doesn’t seem like one now.

Your eyes aren’t always better than your brain. There are many students out there who look at a teacher questionably only to confirm that their textbook has been wrong all along. Be sure not to always believe everything you read and get double-confirmation before making any judgments about the facts in front of you.

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Don’t just hide behind words online, the internet is full of rude people saying things they would never say face-to-face with someone. If someone makes an offensive comment towards you or your peers, call them out on it—politely or otherwise—but don’t let them get away with it just because they didn’t say anything mean to your face.

3. It’s OK not to be popular

Many teenagers spend so much time trying to be popular that they don’t give themselves a chance to get to know themselves and their interests. It’s more important for you to find out who you are than it is for you to be popular, and if other people aren’t interested in getting to know you—that’s OK. Don’t waste your time trying desperately to win over people who aren’t interested in getting to know you better.

Instead, use your teenage years as an opportunity to connect with people who share your passions and interests. Whether it’s family members or schoolmates or others online, there will always be someone who will enjoy spending time with you—you just have to open yourself up to making new connections!

4. Don’t let your phone define you

The average teen spends five hours per day on their phone. Over a year, that adds up to three months of total time staring at a screen. The World Health Organisation has already determined that too much screen time causes depression in teens, so it’s more important than ever for them to know how to protect themselves from their cell phones. Show your teenager these ways he or she can avoid screen burnout and have real-life experiences instead.

Tune out technology: Take regular breaks from electronics by visiting a park, taking walks, or participating in other outdoor activities you enjoy. This can help relieve stress and improve mood.

5. Taking breaks from social media is good for your mental health

Of course, teenagers need to be connected with their friends and family. But after being on social media platforms for long periods of time, especially if you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious, it’s best to take a break. Try not to spend more than two hours each day on your phone, laptop or tablet in front of a screen. And even better: get away from your devices completely by taking a walk outside or going somewhere that doesn’t have WiFi.

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It will do you good!

6. Get involved in positive activities

The importance of having a positive social circle and involving yourself in positive activities cannot be stressed enough. Having friends, being involved in extracurricular activities, and being active are all beneficial for teenagers’ mental health.

If you’re going through a hard time or just feeling out of sorts, don’t be afraid to ask your friends for help or vent about your problems. Likewise, if you notice that one of your friends is acting depressed or upset, do not hesitate to reach out to them. It can make all the difference!

7. Always tell the truth (most of the time anyway!)

It may seem like a small thing, but in most cases, telling the truth can prevent you from getting into more serious trouble. Getting caught in a lie is embarrassing and stressful and could negatively impact your relationship with friends and family. The next time you’re thinking about lying, ask yourself: What’s really at stake here? What will I gain by lying? Is it worth it? And remember: everyone fibs once in a while—even adults!

If you know someone who would benefit from reading this post, share it on social media so he or she can learn these important life lessons too. Thank you for reading! We hope that these tips were helpful; don’t forget to bookmark our site for more posts just like these. If there are other ways that you think teens should be prepared for life, comment below or send us an email. We want to hear what kind of topics would interest our readers as much as they interest us!

8. Learn to cook!

There’s no way around it: Cooking is a critical life skill. Home-cooked meals help cut back on your grocery bill and allow you to take advantage of sales, which leads to big savings over time. It also helps you control exactly what’s going into your food (no more mystery ingredients!). By cooking at home, you save yourself from eating out — and all that extra sodium, fat and sugar can wreak havoc on your weight.

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You don’t have to become an Iron Chef; just learn how to make simple dishes like baked chicken and rice or roasted vegetables with cheese. If nothing else, make sure you know how to cook eggs in different ways! If there are any tried-and-true recipes handed down from older generations in your family, use those! You might be surprised by how tasty they are.

9. Save money

This may seem obvious, but it’s a good idea for your teenager to learn how money works at an early age. While they can’t work legally until they’re 14 or 15, it doesn’t hurt for them to start learning about saving and spending as soon as possible. To do so, help them start opening a savings account and set up an automatic deposit with their allowance or earnings from doing chores around the house. Explain compound interest in terms they understand, while also letting them earn some interest on their balance.

At first, you may have to do all of these transactions by hand, but once they are old enough you can open a joint checking account for them (with you) that will let you both log in online and manage their finances together.

10. Do well at school

No matter what you do later in life, you’ll need a strong education. Many of life’s opportunities will depend on where you go—and how well you do—in school. Stay on top of assignments and make sure that your teachers know about your aspirations for college or for a career. The more motivated and involved you are at school, the easier it will be to achieve your future goals.

That said, don’t get too caught up with grades; focus instead on learning valuable skills and being challenged by interesting classes. Also, pay attention to social life; relationships with friends can often be some of our longest-lasting sources of happiness throughout our lives.

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