How To Turn Holiday Parties Into Networking Resources For Your Business

How To Turn Holiday Parties Into Networking Resources For Your Business

It is that time of the year again- the holiday parties circuit is about to kick into high gear. There are generally two types of people when it comes to holiday parties. Those that dread getting together and mingling with the people they don’t know, and those that prioritise their holiday –party tour based on food selection and how long the open bar is open.

There is more to holiday parties than food comas and hangovers, they can be networking resources. As an entrepreneur, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to network and grow your business. These tips will help turn your holiday parties into priceless networking that results in new contracts and business opportunities.

1. Go in with a positive attitude

Don’t go to a party with a negative attitude. It will be obvious to everyone around you that you don’t want to be there, If you have a miserable look on your face. Nobody wants to associate with a pooper, so smile and have a good time.

2. Arrive with goals in mind

When you attend a networking event, you should have a set goal in mind. For example, you might want to establish three connections that can develop into business relationships. Do the same with holiday parties. Go in with a goals and work the crowd until you meet and exceed that initial goal.

3. Dress the part and participate

Themed holiday parties are very popular. There is a good chance that you will be invited to an ugly –sweater party or a themed dress party. You will stick out like a sore thumb if you don’t participate, and nobody is going to associate with you because you will look different from them.

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4. Break away from your crew

It never fails at every holiday party there are always cliques of people that know each other. They are either friends or co-workers and they will stay in the corner the entire time talking amongst themselves. You are not going to network and meet new people staying in your comfort zone, so break out of your bubble and meet new people. Introduce yourself, shake hands and socialize.

5. Don’t be a human business-card dispenser

Yes, you should be armed with business cards. No, you shouldn’t hand them out like candy to anyone willing to take one. Have them in your pocket ready, so when someone asks, ’Do you have a card on you?’’, you can quickly put one in their hand. Keep them tucked away until someone requests one.

6. Leverage acquaintances for more effective introductions

If there is a particular individual that you want to be introduced to connect with someone that knows them and get a proper introduction. Any time a mutual acquaintance makes an introduction, it is less awkward and the ice is immediately broken.

7. Lead with casual conversation topics instead of your business

Starting a conversation with current events rather than talking about your business is a much smoother introduction. A conversation can quickly erupt if you ask for an option regarding a current –events topic.

8. The action is always going to be nearly the food

Where is the one area that everyone is going to naturally gravitate towards multiple times throughout the party? The food area, of course! This is a great place to meet people, and a quick-witted reply to the ‘’where are the salads’’ question can start a conversation that begins at the food and picks up later in the evening.

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9. Know your alcohol limits

Having a few drinks at holiday parties is fine but not drunk to the extent that you couldn’t stand up and crush your credibility. You want people to remember you because you made a great impression, not for your ability to make a tequila bottle disappear.

10. Say “Thank You” when leaving and also send a follow-up email

Holiday- party hosts spend a lot of time and money to put on these events, but the majority of guests arrive only to eat, drink, mingle and then leave without even thanking the host. Use this as an opportunity to stand out and make a new connection. Personally thank the host when it is time for you to leave and then also send them a quick email the following day thanking them.

In conclusion, opportunity comes but once, make use of every opportunity that comes your way for the benefits of your business, don’t let your holidays be wasted without achieving something for your company or business.

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