Secrets About The Trendy African Print Most People Don’t Know

Ankara blazer and trouser

Imagine yourself going for an interview or a business proposal and you appear in your Ankara blazer and trouser. Nice, isn’t it? That’s what makes it different from every other material. It is bright and colorful and it makes one stand out wherever and whenever. That’s the nature of Ankara and that’s what makes it […]

How to choose the best outfit from your wardrobe to look fashionable

How To Choose The Best Outfit From Your Wardrobe To Look Fashionable

Choosing the best outfit from your wardrobe to look fashionable could be difficult. Ladies often fight within themselves when it comes to choosing an outfit. When choosing an outfit, your style, body shape, colour and occasion should be considered. It is good to always take note of your wardrobe and take off old clothes, so […]

Top 10 Common Financial Mistakes People Make

Top 10 Common Financial Mistakes People Make

We will look at some of the most typical financial blunders that frequently lead to serious financial difficulties. There are a lot of things that people do or don’t do in order to make their financial lives easy. These mistakes usually cluster around the areas of borrowing, spending and investing. There is some overlap here […]

How investment in farming can boost against food scarcity in Nigeria

How Investment In Farming Can Boost Against Food Scarcity In Nigeria

People will always require food as long as life persists. Food will always possess a portion of one’s income, regardless of how small it is, and even if there is no food to buy, people will produce their own food to eat in order to survive. Food insecurity has unfortunately been on the rise in […]

8 Harmful Things Teenagers Do That They Ought Not To Do

8 Harmful Things Teenagers Do That They Ought Not To Do

Teenagers are people between the age of 13 to 19. At this age, they have reached the adolescent age and a lot of them are pushed by peer pressure and youthful enthusiasm. They feel they have or need to explore well. They like to make their choices and feel they need freedom because they are […]

13 Best Ways to Market your Business Online

13 Best Ways To Market Your Business Online

There are things to consider when marketing our business which help our business grow and allow growth. Marketing also call people to limelight about what you are doing and it’s advantage. These strategies are explained below. 1. Get Off Your Website (And On To Social Media) Isn’t it true that having a website should be […]

Health Benefits of Bitter Kola

Health Benefits Of Bitter Kola

Bitter kola, also known as bitter cola or Garcinia Kola, is a plant native to Central and Western Africa that has long been prized for its medicinal benefits. Although all parts of the Bitter Kola plant are used in traditional African medicine, the seeds are the most commonly consumed. Although bitter kola has been consumed […]