Common Student Distractions and Best Ways to Avoid Them While Studying

Common Student Distractions and Best Ways to Avoid Them While Studying

Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge. Learning is never completed if the learners are not put to test. The examination aim is to assess the students’ ability in recalling what they have been taught and this is one aspect of learning that should not be neglected. It should be the aim of every student […]

8 Reasons Why Students Fail Examinations in Nigeria

Reasons Why Students Fail Examinations

Nobody talks of education without the word “learning” and learning of course comes with its dos and don’ts. Attending school (Primary, Secondary, Polytechnics, University) will help the attendees gain knowledge and skills, and equip the students for the challenges ahead of time. But the only way to know students’ seriousness is through examination assessments. Of […]